Carnegie’s Maid: A Novel by Marie Benedict

Image provided by Sourcebooks. I don’t know how many times I have watched The Men Who Built America on the History channel, and yet I’m still not sure I’ve seen it all. There are a lot of episodes that I seem to always come in partway through. Despite this, I have found one man in particular that grabs my attention whenever I watch. That man is the very prominent and successful businessman, Andrew Carnegie. Why Mr. Carnegie has struck me as the most interesting, I’m not sure. It might be because of the things he did (he did not seem to always only be out for himself, unlike some of the others), or it might have been because of the actor who played him. Either way, when my mom and I came across the book Carnegie’s Maid while looking for something else, I thought of The Men Who Built America and knew I had to give this book a try. ...