The Marriage Clock

There are some books that take me a long time to read. Then there are some I read quickly because I am curious about what direction the story is going to go. The Marriage Clock by Zara Raheem was a book I read quickly. The Marriage Clock Zara Raheem If only life were like a romantic movie Leila Abid has always imagined that finding the man for her would be like a Bollywood movie. So far, her path to a husband has been nothing like a movie. Now that Leila is in her mid-twenties, her parents are starting to get anxious about the fact their daughter is unmarried. Her mother is particularly upset about this single status. To solve the problem, Leila’s mother decides to help her find a husband in the traditional way she grew up with in India: by arrangement. For a while Leila lets her parents set her up with men. When these dates all turn out badly, Leila asks for time to find a husband on her own. Her parents give her three months. Three months to find a husband In those three...