CSI: Vegas
I tried watching CSI: Vegas when it first aired on TV last fall. I barely got through the first episode.
You see, I have gotten quite used
to watching TV, new and old, without commercials. The show was also airing at a
later time than I usually prefer. Add in the fact one of the commercials was
for a news piece about a politician I don’t care for, and I was done watching CSI:
Vegas as it first aired. I decided I would instead watch the season once it
reached DVD. If it never reached DVD, I would live.
Thankfully, season one did get released
on DVD. I borrowed it from the library and found myself enjoying CSI: Vegas
far more watching it that way than I ever would have on regular TV.
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CSI: Vegas Matt Lauria, Mandeep Dhillon, William Petersen, Jorja Fox, Paula Newsome, Mel Rodriguez |
Old faces and new in Las Vegas
Someone is trying to kill former
detective Jim Brass (Paul Guilfoyle). Or more accurately, tried to kill him.
Because despite being half-blind, Brass is able to kill his intruder. Still,
the experience rattles him. He wants to know why someone is out to get him. The
first person he thinks of to help him solve this mystery is his old friend Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox)
Sara is a former crime scene
investigator. She knows how to investigate a case. To help Brass, Sara teams up
with the current head of the Las Vegas crime lab, Maxine “Max” Roby (Paula
Newsome). They agree to work together, never expecting their investigation will
lead to another old friend of Sara’s: DNA Specialist David Hodges (Wallace Langham).
A storage unit attributed to
Hodges is discovered. Inside, the unit is full of evidence from past cases. It
appears Hodges manufactured evidence for years. If he did, this discovery could
overturn numerous cases and put dangerous criminals back onto the street. The
truth of the situation must be figured out fast. Which is why Sara’s husband
and former CSI Supervisor Gil Grissom (William Petersen) comes to town.
David Hodges in trouble
Hodges, of course, repeatedly
professes his innocence. Sara believes him fully, but Grissom is reserving
judgement. He wants to see where the evidence takes him. It is how he has
always conducted a case, and he is not going to change now.
The problem is Sara and Grissom
don’t have much time to find the truth. An Internal Affairs detective, Nora
Cross (Kat Foster), has already been assigned to the case. In many ways she has
already made her mind up about it. She will not let either Sara or Grissom look
at any of the case files until they trick her into it. In fact, Nora is questioning
why Sara and Grissom are suddenly working at the crime lab again at all after
spending so much time away. It is all highly suspicious to her.
There is other CSI work to be done
While Sara and Grissom look into
Hodges’ case, the regularly employed CSI’s work on their day-to-day cases. The
two main investigators are Allie Rajan (Mandeep Dhillon) and Josh Folsom (Matt
Allie is a very intense
investigator. She becomes personally involved in her cases and wants to see
justice done. This can lead her down the wrong path at times. She believes
something to be true, and instead of stepping back, she does whatever she can
to prove it true. This does not always go very well. Fortunately, Allie is a
fast learner. When she makes a mistake like this, she learns from it and does
not repeat the mistake again.
Josh is a cold and distant
investigator. He acts very separate from what he is investigating. Even the
evidence is looked at without any personal meaning. Which, in a sense is good.
Following just the evidence instead of putting in personal feelings can be a
good thing. However, it can also come off as uncaring to the victim.
As the season went on, this
behavior did change. The more we got to know Josh, the more we saw how caring
and compassionate he truly is.
There is definitely romantic
tension between Allie and Josh. It is complicated by the fact Allie has recently
moved in with her boyfriend. This unsettles Josh, but he keeps quiet. He always
keeps quiet about Allie’s romantic situation. Even when she comes to him for
advice, he says nothing. It is clear Josh has feelings for Allie, but he is
unwilling to do anything about them.
More members of the team
Chris Park (Jay Lee) is a CSI
occasionally seen out in the field. Much more light-hearted and relaxed than
the others, Chris is a great relief to all the tension going on. For some this
would mean they are inattentive or sloppy at their job. Not Chris. He takes his
job very seriously, but has found a great balance between doing his job well
and being able to have fun and smile while he does it.
DNA expert Penny Gill (Sarah
Gilman) is this way too. She is always in the lab eager to help. Even if it
means walking up to Grissom and offering assistance (something most are
hesitant to do), she is willing to do it. As with Chris, Penny’s personality is
able to break a lot of tension happening around the lab, but don’t let that
lead you to think her work is anything but impeccable.
Dr. Hugo Ramirez (Mel Rodriguez)
is the medical examiner. He is very wary about anyone that walks into his
autopsy. They must prove they understand and respect what he does in there.
Once they do, they are welcome to stay.
He won’t become any less blunt,
though. Even with people he respects, Hugo is on the blunt side. This can be
useful at times, however. It is this bluntness that makes Allie aware Josh may
have feelings towards her, as well as helps her decide what she should do about
her boyfriend.
Max Roby: the leader of it all
Someone I haven’t talked about
much yet is Max. She is the one holding everything together. A patient woman,
Max is like Grissom as in she will take her time and follow the evidence.
Unlike Grissom, Max understands there is a human element to each case and human
elements to her investigators. Each case cannot be looked into from a distance
all the time. Personal feelings will come up from time to time. She understands
this and uses it to create moments for her team members to grow. It is a much
more compassionate management style than any other supervisor that came before
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Worth Another Look Kate Dorsey |
Where did they all go?
The mystery involving Hodges is
resolved by the end of the season. As for what direction the series will go in
season two, I don’t know. I have read Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger)
will be part of it somehow. Sara and Grissom seem to have moved on, at least
for the moment. Anything can change at any time.
Someone I greatly missed the
entire season was Nick Stokes (George Eads). He brought compassion to the cases
from the very start of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, along with reason.
Nick is a big part of what I liked about the original show. I am hoping he will
at least guest star somewhere down the line.
Something I found odd the entire season was how no one working in the crime lab was from the original CSI. It is the same lab, although quite rebuilt, but no one from the old series remained. There wasn’t even a reference to any of them. I found this odd because so many of these people worked in the lab for years. You would think at least some of them had stayed between the time the previous series ended and this one began. But no. They all disappeared. I am curious to find out what happened to everyone. Maybe if some of them guest star in the future we will be able to find out.