Murder, She Said

When I started watching the TV series Miss Marple , I found myself very confused. Joan Hickson was a much smaller and frailer Miss Marple than I had in mind. I eventually realized this belief was because of Margaret Rutherford. She was the first Miss Marple I recalled seeing and is taller and stockier than Joan Hickson. Because of this, the appearance of Margaret Rutherford is forever how Miss Marple should be in my mind. Ms. Rutherford played Miss Marple in four films. Five if you count the cameo in The Alphabet Murders . Her first Miss Marple was Murder, She Said . For years the only place I could watch any of these films was on Turner Classic Movies . I always looked forward to them being on, which wasn’t often. Now, thanks to a library sale, I have all four movies and can watch when I want. Let’s start with Murder, She Said . Murder, She Said A murder happens Miss Marple (Margaret Rutherford) is certain she witnessed a murder. She saw it through the window of her moving tr...