All Creatures Great & Small

Siegfried battles with his war memories while James struggles to figure out what he is going to do about the upcoming war

A bride and groom stand with their friends and a dog behind them.

One of the biggest things I am loving about this third season of All Creatures Great & Small is learning more about who Siegfried is and why he is the way he is. Previously, mostly we just saw him angry, especially in his interactions with his brother, Tristan. This season we are seeing far more than that.

“Surviving Siegfried”

Siegfried tries to save a horse while dealing with bad wartime memories

Behind all of his bluster and temper, veterinarian Siegfried Farnon (Samuel West) is actually a very caring man. During World War I he worked with horses and was devastated when he was ordered to kill them at the end of the war.

Now at the brink of war again, memories are coming back to Siegfried. He is currently working with a horse who has been traumatized. The owner wants to put the horse, River, down, but Siegfried is certain River will be okay with time and care. Siegfried is especially sure of this after he realizes it is the crop River is so afraid of.

The problem is, River’s handlers don’t want to take the time to help him. Personally, I believe the head handler, John Monkham (Steven Hartley), is the one who damaged him. He is an unpleasant man who more wants to be found right than do what is right.

While Siegfried is riding River, Monkham has one of the other handlers show River the crop. Siegfried is thrown from the horse as a result. I don’t know if Siegfried saw what the handler did or not, but I so wanted him to tear the handler apart for his cruel act.

Between his memories and what is going on with River, Siegfried is more short-tempered than usual. Everyone at Skeldale house realizes this, but no one knows what has caused this change in behavior. It is only the housekeeper, Mrs. Hall (Anna Madeley), who hears the whole story. It is not just his memories and River that is putting Siegfried on edge. A man he served with during the war—and who he just heard from the month before—has killed himself.

In empathy, Mrs. Hall grabs Siegfried’s hand and calls him “Siegfried” instead of her usual “Mr. Farnon.” Siegfried’s joyous feelings about this are evident.

Hand-drawn drawing. A wood fence sitting on green land.
Farm Life
Kate Dorsey

“What a Balls Up!”

James must decide what his role in the upcoming war will be

The bovine tuberculosis (TB) testing is not going well for veterinarian James Herriot (Nicholas Ralph). He keeps mixing up the forms, which understandably upsets the Department of Agriculture. As a result, James is called down to their offices.

After being yelled at by a member of the Department of Agriculture, Charles Harcourt (Adrian Rawlins), James returns home emotionally deflated. He confides in his wife, Helen (Rachel Shenton), about his problems with the TB testing, but she senses there is more going on with James than he says.

She is right.

James is battling himself about the upcoming war. He sees others enlisting and feels he should be doing something to help the war effort. Something like enlisting.

This conflict with himself is something Tristan Farnon (Callum Woodhouse) realized James would struggle with in the first episode of the season. He can see how hard James always works to perform his duty no matter what. This sense of duty is to the extent that James will sacrifice himself and what is important to him to do what he thinks needs to be done.

Helen is relieved James has a reserved occupation status as a veterinarian. She does not want him to leave home and fight in the war.

However, Helen does see how torn James is about the situation and is unsure about what he may do. She goes to Siegfried for help.

Siegfried does not want either James or Tristan to go to war. He tells Helen he will keep James home.

Siegfried begins to physically change

“What a Balls Up!” is the episode where Siegfried noticeably starts to physically curl into himself. Usually Siegfried stands very straight and tall. From this point on, he begins to hunch.

This is probably because too many things are happening in Siegfried’s life that he feels deep sadness about. Tristan is becoming more independent. Mrs. Hall—who he loves—goes on a date she doesn’t think is a date. And James wants to enlist.

I do not know if Siegfried’s curling in on himself is an intentional or subconscious act by the actor. Either way, it is a perfect example of how the weight of his emotions are becoming too much for Siegfried, and the only thing left for him to do is have his body begin to collapse.

All Creatures Great & Small – Season One

All Creatures Great & Small – Season Two

All Creatures Great & Small – Season Three – Episodes 1-2


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